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时间:2022-08-04 08:00:03 来源:网友投稿




  Q21问:法国财长拉嘉德 French Finance Minister Lagarde

  国际货币基金组织(IMF )总裁人选问题 the candidacy for IMF chief

 答:法国经济、财政与工业部部长拉嘉德 French Minister of Economic Affairs for Finance and Industry 中国人民银行是此事的主管部门 The People"s Bank of China is the competent authority. IMF 总裁、副总裁等管理层人员IMF managing director, deputy managing director and other management staff 遴选 The selection

 革 国际金融机构治理结构改革 governance restructuring of international financial institutions二十国集团领导人共识 consensus of G20 leaders 括 包括 IMF 在内的国际金融机构管理层遴选应遵循公开、透明、择优的原则,应增加新兴市场国家代表性,反映世界经济格局的变化。在内的国际金融机构管理层遴选应遵循公开、透明、择优的原则,应增加新兴市场国家代表性,反映世界经济格局的变化。

 the IMF should follow the principle of openness, transparency and merit and the representativeness of emerging markets should be increased to reflect the changes in the world economic architecture.

 商 民主协商 democratic consultation Q22问: 茨 美国国防部长盖茨 US Defense Secretary Gates 遏制中国的崛起 hold China down会 香格里拉对话会 the Shangri-La Dialogue 中国国防部长梁光烈 Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie 答:致力于建设相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系 both sides announced their commitment to building a cooperative partnership

 展 加强对话,深化战略互信,拓展务实合作,推进中美关系发展 to strengthen dialogue, deepen strategic mutual trust and expand pragmatic cooperation in a bid to further advance China-US relations. 亚太地区 Asia-Pacific Q23问: 联合国秘书长潘基文 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 雷 助理秘书长哈雷 UN Assistant Secretary-General Khare “变革管理小组”the Change Management Team 划 相关内部机制的改革计划 the internal institutional reform of the UN答:为加强联合国内部机制建设所作的努力 efforts of internal institutional building of the UN.

 通过改革,提高效率、增强权威,不断自我完善 enhancing its efficiency and authority through reform and self-improvement

  Q25 问: 决定未来关闭所有的核电站 toshutdownallnuclearpowerplants日本福岛核电站泄漏事件 theFukushimaleakageincident

 答: 件 日本福岛核电站泄漏事件 the Fukushima leakage incident 议 主持召开国务院有关会议 presided over an executive meeting of the State Council性 重要性和紧迫性 the significance and urgency 曾经介绍过会议相关决定 have briefed you on the decisions made during the meeting 查 中国国内核设施进行全面安全检查 launch a comprehensive security inspection of nuclear facilities in China 理 加强正在运行核设施的安全管理 to intensify security management of the operating nuclear facilities 查 审查 to carry out overall reviews 严格审批 to strictly examine and approve划 编制核安全规划 the formulation of nuclear safety plan划 核电发展中长期规划 medium and long-term nuclear power development plans Q25问: 朝鲜国防委员会 DPRK National Defence Commission 节 朝韩秘密接触细节 in detail the closed-door contact between the DPRK and the ROK 话 中断朝鲜半岛北南对话 the suspension of inter-Korean dialogue. What is China"s comment?答:一贯主张并推动 always upholds and promotes 题 以和平方式解决半岛有关问题 peaceful resolutions of Korean Peninsula issues局 通过对话协商妥善解决各自关切,共同维护半岛和平稳定大局 address their respective concerns through dialogue and consultation, in a bid to jointly safeguard peace and stability of the Peninsula. Q26问: 日本首相菅直人 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan

 在日本地震灾后重建及核泄漏问题告一段落后 when the post-disaster reconstruction was well underway and the nuclear leakage under control.

 院 日本国会众议院 House of Representatives of the Japanese Diet 案 否决了对内阁的不信任案 vetoed the no-confidence motion against the cabinet .答:内部事务 the internal affair of Japan. 中日战略互惠关系 China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit. Q27人 联合国秘书长发言人 The Spokesperson of UN Secretary-General联合国秘书长潘基文 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 中国现任驻德国大使吴红波 Chinese Ambassador to Germany Wu Hongbo 长 联合国负责经济和社会事务的副秘书长 Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs资深高级外交官 outstanding senior diplomat外交部部长助理和驻德国大使 Assistant Foreign Minister and Ambassador to Germany高超的领导组织协调能力 superb leadership and coordination ability,符合担任联合国主管经社事务副秘书长的条件和资格 all credentials for the position of UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social AffairsQ28会 欧洲议会 The European Parliament会 欧盟委员会 European Commission 的 互利共赢的 mutually beneficial and win-win.业 投资兴业 investment则 遵循市场原则 abide by market principles规 遵守当地法律法规 observe local laws and regulations场 避免采取保护主义立场 refrain from resorting to protectionism. Q29 伊朗石油公司 Iranianoilcompanies 表明立场 hasmadeclearitsposition重申 reiterate不违反任何联合国安理会决议 withoutviolatinganyUNSecurityCouncilresolutions不损害任何第三方利益 harmingtheinterestsofathirdparty.一国将其国内法凌驾于国际法之上,对另一国实施单边制裁,更不会接受将单边制裁强加于第三国的做法。一国将其国内法凌驾于国际法之上,对另一国实施单边制裁,更不会接受将单边制裁强加于第三国的做法。 againstonecountry"sputtingitsdomesticlawaboveinternationallaworimposing unilateral sanctions on a certain country. Even less will it accept such unilateralsanctionstobeimposedonathirdcountry. Q30当前欧债危机加剧 currentescalationoftheEuropeandebtcrisis欧方有能力、有智慧 theEuropeansidehasthecapacityandwisdomto

  Q31应外交部长杨洁篪的邀请 AttheinvitationofForeignMinisterYangJiechi,澳大利亚外长卡尔于 AustralianForeignMinisterCarr进一步推进中澳关系以及共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换意见。have an in‐depthexchangeofviewsonChina‐Australiarelationsaswellasinternationalandregionalissuesofcommoninterest.中方还将结合澳方要求 attherequestoftheAustralianside. Q32 黄岩岛事件 TheHuangyanIsland呼吁 calledupon双方保持克制 toexerciserestraint中国固有领土 China"sinherentterritory中方维护国家主权和领土完整的意志和决心坚定不移 China"s will and resolve to safeguardnationalsovereigntyandterritorialintegrityisunwavering.当前黄岩岛事态完全是由于菲律宾军舰袭扰中国渔民造成的 The current situationovertheIslandwascausedbyPhilippinemilitaryvessels"harassmentofChinesefishermenandtheresponsibilitylieswiththePhilippineside.化 中方坚持通过外交协商解决当前事态的立场没有变化 China"s position of resolving theincidentthroughdiplomaticconsultationremainsunchanged.敦促 urge 拿出诚意 toshowsincerity不再采取任何使事态升级的行动。refrainfromanyactthatmightescalatethesituation. Q33克里姆林宫 Kremlin宣誓就任

 takeoffice发去贺电。 sentamessageofcongratulations谱写更加辉煌的篇章。 writeevenmoregloriouschapters战略协作伙伴 mostimportantstrategicpartnersofcoordinationtoeachother前所未有的高水平 atanunprecedentedlyhighlevel.推动两国全面战略协作伙伴关系不断迈上新水平达成重要共识 reachedimportantconsensusoncontinuingtomakethedevelopmentofbilateralrelationstheirtopdiplomaticpriority,maintain the continuity of China‐Russia relations and constantly push forward theircomprehensivestrategicpartnershipofcoordination.更好地造福两国和两国人民willmakenewheadwaycontinuouslytothegreaterbenefitofthetwocountriesandtwopeoples Q34法国内政部 FrenchInteriorMinistry初步统计结果显示 initialpollingresultsshow法国社会党候选人奥朗德 socialistpresidentialcandidateHollande

 发去贺电 sentamessageofcongratulations符合两国和两国人民的根本利益 inthefundamentalinterestofthetwocountriesandtwopeoples,相互尊重、平等相待和照顾彼此核心利益的原则 intheprincipleofmutualrespect,equalityandaccommodationofeachother"scoreinterests 以长远战略眼光看待和处理两国关系 fromalong‐termandstrategicperspective ...

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