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技术方面问题 自我革命方面的问题

时间:2022-03-21 16:24:15 来源:网友投稿

下面是小编为大家整理的技术方面问题 自我革命方面的问题,供大家参考。

技术方面问题 自我革命方面的问题



 • 选择自己最熟悉的项目,具体的说一下自己的工总。

 1. 项目是做什么的 2. 在项目中做了什么:开发人员开发好项目后,将 3. 从项目中学到了什么 与开发人员搞好关系 • bug life cycle。

  • 项目运行在什么环境下? The software is going under WinCE system in the PDA. But we can test the data with c tools in the unix system. • where do you see yourself in next 3 years?(稳定性和发展性) 1. stay in this company 2. I see myself an outstanding QA. To reach the goal, I will learn the tecnoleg skills, reading management books and get along well with colleagues.

 • 测试流程?(Test procedures) IEEE829 stats that the test procedure specification identifies all the steps required to operate the system and exercise the specified test cases in order to implement the associated test design.” 1. 测试计划(测试范围,测试策略,时间安排,风险评估,测试目的)

 2. 测试设计(测试用例)

 3. 测试实施(搭建测试环境,人员安排)

 4. 测试执行 5. 测试评估(软件是否发布由开发经理决定)


 Bug Found Open Resolved Closed Review Deferred

 • 你在培训中学到了什么? • What I have learned from the training is including the testing skills about testing cycle ,automation testing tools QTP and QC and LoadRunner. Besides, I get along with others and always talk about testing. I like help others and the same time, they would like to help me. • 测试过程中会有哪些文档? 1. 测试计划 test plan 2. 测试用例 test case 3. bug report 4. test summary

 • 系统测试和集成测试的区别? 1. 测试方法不同 2. 测试点不一样 3. 集成测试有开发方测试而系统测试只有测试人员 4. 依据文档不同 集成依据概要说明书 系统依据需求设计说明书 W hat is System testing? When testers complete testing (The testers test the application in the test environments, meaning they test with the test data only, NOT with the real data), the application (software) has to be tested in the real environment. What it means is, since the testers test it in the test environment with the test data, we have to make sure that the application works well in the real environment with the real data. In test environment, some of the things cannot be simulated or tested. Al though the test environment is very similar to the production (real) environment, we need to make sure that we get a smooth delivery in the real system as well (As servers are different and database is different, things may not work as expected when the application is moved from test environment to production environment) W hat is I ntegration testing? It is a test to check whether all the modules are combined together or not and working successfully as specified in the requirement document. (Just for your information: Each developer works on different modules. When they finish their code, the configuration management team puts them together and prepares a build. We, as testers, need to make sure that these modules, which are now combined, work as per requirement document)

  • 你了解哪些测试的种类? • 界面测试 • 功能测试 • 文档测试 • 兼容性测试 • 并发测试 • 压力测试 • 负载测试 • 强度测试

 • 疲劳测试 • 安全测试 • 灾难恢复测试 • 容量测试 • 易用性测试 • 数据库测试 • 为什么从开发转作测试?


 I worked in the college, I realized I have fallen in love in testing. I am excited when I find the bugs and develop a new way to test the software. I like talking about the testing process with others and abide the process.

  • 工作中是否接触软件测试,做说明。

 • When I am in Augumentum, I do software testing. • 测试的方法,名词解释。

 Answer: Different types of testing are: 2) Shakeout testing 3) Smoke testing (Ad-hoc testing)(仅仅验证功能的正确性,不做任何容错性,一般用在集成测试和每日构建中)

 Regression testing(用在一个版本完成后做一次回归)

 Black box testing(系统测试和验收测试)

 White box testing(单元测试) 静态 动态 随即测试(猴子测试)由随机机产生随机数进行输入。


 • 你用到过哪些测试软件,简单叙述一下。

 QTP Loadrunner and QC QTP 是用来录制用户的操作 LR 录制客户端和服务器的交互 QC 是一个测试管理工具 自动化测试流程:

 1. 计划 2. 录制脚本 3. 编辑脚本(QTp:


 4. 运行脚本 5. 分析 (LR:设置场景,运行场景)

 QTP 有 5 步,LR 有七部。

 QTP is one of the automation testing tool. It is always used test the project function. It can be connected with QC which a bug management tool. Loadrunner is also a automation testing tool. It is used to test the software performance. You can virtual the users and it can save the reasons in the testing.

 • 你为什么离职呢? As I have mentioned, I would like testing. And when the chance is coming, I am ready to go back. Besides, in the college, I have little chance to use my ability and I want a competed working environment.

 • 为什么想进入 IT 行业? First, my major is information management and information system. I have learned the related the knowledge. Second, I am always in the IT industry and I want to stay here.

 • 记录 BUG 时使用的工具,软件测试时使用的平台? QC TD URTractor(前三个收费) Bugzillar(免费)

 In my working experience, I used the Bugzillar. It is a

 bug management software. As a tester, what I can do is log the defects and test the fixed bug.

 • 在实际项目中的肩负的职责? In the project in Augumentum, there are two developers and two tester. I am responsible for the environment configuration ,test case execution and bug report. The other tester is my leader and he is responsible for the contact with the customs. We get short the testing cycle together and optimize the testing flow from a week to three days.

 • 有无 SQL 语言的知识积累 I have learned SQL in school and go the senior database certification.

 In my last job, I have use SQL to check data in the MS SQL database.

 存储过程 可以有多个返回值;编译好了运行 ;函数只有一个返回值 ;边编译边运行 索引:聚合索引 非聚合索引 SQL 语句 备份(完全备份,差异备份,增量备份)

 ORACAL 安全 权限 一份干净的数据库,一份与用户一样的数据库

 • 有无软件开发的经验? No.

 • 公司的项目组共有多少测试人员? Two testers and two developers

 • 介绍你在项目中担任的角色和职责? Deal with the origin data, the environment configuration and execute the test cases. The leader and I cut short the testing cycle from a week to three days. And we optimize the testing procedure document.

 • 各部门之间是如何进行沟通的 缺陷管理工具 邮件 Have meeting and send emails

 • 整个项目持续多长时间 Two years

 • 针对个人简历的问题:

 • a. 介绍项目;b. 所在公司概况;c. 所属项目组概况;d. test 团队概况;e. 个人职责;f. 具体工作的实际过程;g. 所属 leader 的职责(communicate with the custom ,make testing plan, deal with the origin data, deal with the problem which found.使用工具及具体使用过程步骤方法(td,vss,excel)(excel);i. 有哪些文档;(test plan, bug report )j. 测试依据;(requirement document)k. 出现问题的解决方法和谁沟通,最后怎么处理.。(discuss with the testing lead and give him some my own advice) • 有否和国外客户交流沟通? Yes, every Tuesday, we had a telephone conference with the customs in California. My leader was responsible for the meeting. If I found some bugs strange, the leader will let me describe the problem directly to the custom.七是对工作细节重视不够。作为办公室负责人,存在抓大放小,不能做到知上、知下、知左、知右、知里、知外,有时在一些小的问题上、细节上没有做好,导致工作落实不到位,出现偏差。


 二、产生问题的原因分析 认真反思和深刻剖析自身存在的问题与不足,主要是自己没有加强世界观、人生观、价值观的改造,不注重提高自身修养,同时受社会不良风气的影响,在具体应对上没有很好地把握自己,碍于情面随波逐流。产生问题的原因主要有以下几方面。





 诚然,造成自身存 在问题的原因远不止这些,还有很多,如自身的固化思维方式,缺乏居安思危的深层次思考等。

 三、今后的努力方向和改进措施 查摆问题,剖析根源,关键在于“洗澡治病”、解决问题。本人决心从党性原则出发,端正态度、认真对待,在今后的工作中采取强有力措施,立行立改,取得实效。

 (一)求真务实 办公室主任作为承上启下、协调全局、沟通内外的重要角色,要立足发展、改革的新形势、新情况,以务实的作风和良好的品质做出表率。







推荐访问:自我革命方面的问题 标签 技术 XXX